Dear Parents,
Dates for your Diary:
Thursday the 6th of June: Sports Day and Offaly Colour Day
Friday the 7th of June: School is closed - election
Monday the 10th of June: Report cards will be sent out.
Monday the 17th of June: 150 Year Celebration
Tuesday the 18th of June: Board of Management meeting at 8pm.
Wednesday the 19th of June: School tour
Thursday the 20th of June: End of year School mass – School closes @ 12noon
150 Year Celebration Update: So much work is being put in by so many to have all in order for our big celebration on the evening of Monday the 17th of June. Everyone’s efforts are much appreciated. Please take note of the following:
Sports Day: Sports Day will take place on this Thursday the 6th of June. Infants can stay until 2.35pm on this day. If you wish to take your infant child home at 1.35pm, please indicate this via note/email to Ms. Harding. Also, on the day if weather permits, children can wear shorts. Please remember to apply sun screen on your children, should the weather require this. We are looking forward to a fun, enjoyable day. You as parents are welcome to attend any part of the day, should you wish.
Jersey Day/Offaly Colours Day: It was wonderful to see all the boys and girls in the Offaly colours on Friday. This weekend our senior hurlers play Laois in the McDonagh Final, which is a national final. So, on Sports Day, children can again come in their Offaly colours. Past pupil Kieran Connors is on the Offaly panel, we wish Kieran and the lads the very best of luck.
End of Year Celebration: We will celebrate the end of the school year on the last day of school term, which is Thursday the 20th of June. On this day, we will all go to the church for 9.30am, to celebrate our End of Year school mass. Any parents who are around on the day are welcome to attend our end of year school mass.
School Books and Requisites: A grant payment has been issued by the Department to pay for school books and copies. As I have stated before much is made in announcements with regard to free school books, free meals scheme etc. The reality is, however, Primary education continues to be grossly underfunded. To give you one practical example, to date this year we received nothing to pay for caretaking services in the school, yes that is zero to pay for caretaking works, and it doesn’t seem like we will be getting anything to cover caretaking costs. This is the problem at present with primary education, the department are launching lots of schemes to try and directly benefit families but they are neglecting to properly fund schools, so as they can operate effectively on a daily basis. So, despite all you might hear with regard to funding, we still are seeking a contribution of €25 per child for the 2024/25 school year to fund 24 hour insurance cover, arts and crafts and photocopying. We thank you for your continued support.
Free School Meals: The school has applied to be part of this scheme, but is still awaiting back word from the Department of Social Protection, on whether we will be successful in being part of the scheme.
Cumann na mBunscol: We are so proud of our boys and girls who were recently defeated by Clonmacnoise NS in their Cumann na mBunscol hurling final, in St. Brendan’s Park, Birr. The boys and girls gave it their all and could do no more – well done boys and girls.
School Tours: As you all have been notified school tours will take place on Wednesday the 19th of June (Juniors to 6th class). Please refer to attached information sheet regarding the tours, for further details. If you haven’t paid yet, we would appreciate it if you could furnish payment online at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Standardised Testing: Standardised Testing was conducted with all classes from 1st - 6th class in the areas of English and Maths. In the case of Junior and Senior Infants, reading assessments from the Jolly Phonics programme were carried out with these children. The standard score achieved by our child, will be reported in your child’s report card. Please take note of the contents of the key below, which explains what your child’s standard score in each area means.
Report Cards: These will be sent out on the week beginning Monday the 10th of June. Please send in a stamped addressed envelope before if possible. As is always the case if there is any aspect of your child’s report you wish to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please contact the office and make an appointment to meet the relevant teacher.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to Daisy, Elena Rose, Rosemia, Donnacha, John, Joshua, Micheál, Rian, Fionn & Quin who all received their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 18th of May. Míle buíochas to Ms. Kelly and Fr. Reddan who had the children so well prepared for their big day.
School Self Evaluation: The school continues to work on the Wellbeing element of our School Improvement Plan, as part of the school self-evaluation process. We will have an Internet and Technology Use agreement. We plan to be in a position to ratify this agreement at our final Board of Management meeting of the school year on the 18th of June. The agreement will then be uploaded on our school website and in September all families will have the opportunity to sign up to the agreement, should they wish to do so.
Míle buíochas daoibh go léir: As we approach the end of the school year, I wish to sincerely thank everyone for their co-operation and support throughout the year. To staff, pupils, parents, the wider community, our Board of Management and our Parents Association, thank you all so much for everything you do for our school. We all wish our sixth class the very best as they get ready to move onto new pastures. They all look so smart in their Class of 2024 hoodies – many thanks to our Parents Association for organising this. In the case of everyone else, I look forward to seeing you all back at the end of August. Enjoy the summer break.
Dates for your Diary:
Thursday the 6th of June: Sports Day and Offaly Colour Day
Friday the 7th of June: School is closed - election
Monday the 10th of June: Report cards will be sent out.
Monday the 17th of June: 150 Year Celebration
Tuesday the 18th of June: Board of Management meeting at 8pm.
Wednesday the 19th of June: School tour
Thursday the 20th of June: End of year School mass – School closes @ 12noon
150 Year Celebration Update: So much work is being put in by so many to have all in order for our big celebration on the evening of Monday the 17th of June. Everyone’s efforts are much appreciated. Please take note of the following:
- The book is gone to print. 275 copies are to be printed. At present we have 168 pre orders. So once the 275 copies are gone, they are gone. So if you know of anyone who wishes to order a book, please let them know the situation. It is also important to note, that the book is not making any money for the school. The €20 a copy is simply covering the printing costs of the book. There is no rush with regard to payment. It can be paid online or the cash can be sent into the school office in a sealed envelope, with details marked on it.
- On the evening, cars will be parked in the church carpark. I need to organise a parking rota, so if someone from your house could make themselves available for a half hour slot to park cars, that would be great. You can let me know by email.
- Our Parents Association are doing great work with regard to organising refreshments. You have received an email on this. Please respond to Patricia on her mobile as was set out in the email, with how you are going to contribute and help out. Again, your help would be greatly appreciated here.
- John Kirwan, Colm Makim and Kevin Carey (all Board members) are organising the yard on the morning of the 17th of June. If someone from your house is available on the morning, you might kindly offer to help them with bringing down chairs, tables etc.
- ‘I Donate’ Page: As Seir Kieran’s N.S. has undergone many changes over the years, we hope to develop our school garden to reflect the wellbeing and educational needs of our current and future pupils. We have set up an ‘I Donate’ page to fundraise for this outdoor space. This link is idonate.ie/fundraiser/seirkieransns The closing date is 30th June. Many thanks for your support.
- Closer to the evening itself, you will be issued with an email, setting out the plan of action for the evening.
Sports Day: Sports Day will take place on this Thursday the 6th of June. Infants can stay until 2.35pm on this day. If you wish to take your infant child home at 1.35pm, please indicate this via note/email to Ms. Harding. Also, on the day if weather permits, children can wear shorts. Please remember to apply sun screen on your children, should the weather require this. We are looking forward to a fun, enjoyable day. You as parents are welcome to attend any part of the day, should you wish.
Jersey Day/Offaly Colours Day: It was wonderful to see all the boys and girls in the Offaly colours on Friday. This weekend our senior hurlers play Laois in the McDonagh Final, which is a national final. So, on Sports Day, children can again come in their Offaly colours. Past pupil Kieran Connors is on the Offaly panel, we wish Kieran and the lads the very best of luck.
End of Year Celebration: We will celebrate the end of the school year on the last day of school term, which is Thursday the 20th of June. On this day, we will all go to the church for 9.30am, to celebrate our End of Year school mass. Any parents who are around on the day are welcome to attend our end of year school mass.
School Books and Requisites: A grant payment has been issued by the Department to pay for school books and copies. As I have stated before much is made in announcements with regard to free school books, free meals scheme etc. The reality is, however, Primary education continues to be grossly underfunded. To give you one practical example, to date this year we received nothing to pay for caretaking services in the school, yes that is zero to pay for caretaking works, and it doesn’t seem like we will be getting anything to cover caretaking costs. This is the problem at present with primary education, the department are launching lots of schemes to try and directly benefit families but they are neglecting to properly fund schools, so as they can operate effectively on a daily basis. So, despite all you might hear with regard to funding, we still are seeking a contribution of €25 per child for the 2024/25 school year to fund 24 hour insurance cover, arts and crafts and photocopying. We thank you for your continued support.
Free School Meals: The school has applied to be part of this scheme, but is still awaiting back word from the Department of Social Protection, on whether we will be successful in being part of the scheme.
Cumann na mBunscol: We are so proud of our boys and girls who were recently defeated by Clonmacnoise NS in their Cumann na mBunscol hurling final, in St. Brendan’s Park, Birr. The boys and girls gave it their all and could do no more – well done boys and girls.
School Tours: As you all have been notified school tours will take place on Wednesday the 19th of June (Juniors to 6th class). Please refer to attached information sheet regarding the tours, for further details. If you haven’t paid yet, we would appreciate it if you could furnish payment online at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Standardised Testing: Standardised Testing was conducted with all classes from 1st - 6th class in the areas of English and Maths. In the case of Junior and Senior Infants, reading assessments from the Jolly Phonics programme were carried out with these children. The standard score achieved by our child, will be reported in your child’s report card. Please take note of the contents of the key below, which explains what your child’s standard score in each area means.
Report Cards: These will be sent out on the week beginning Monday the 10th of June. Please send in a stamped addressed envelope before if possible. As is always the case if there is any aspect of your child’s report you wish to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please contact the office and make an appointment to meet the relevant teacher.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to Daisy, Elena Rose, Rosemia, Donnacha, John, Joshua, Micheál, Rian, Fionn & Quin who all received their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 18th of May. Míle buíochas to Ms. Kelly and Fr. Reddan who had the children so well prepared for their big day.
School Self Evaluation: The school continues to work on the Wellbeing element of our School Improvement Plan, as part of the school self-evaluation process. We will have an Internet and Technology Use agreement. We plan to be in a position to ratify this agreement at our final Board of Management meeting of the school year on the 18th of June. The agreement will then be uploaded on our school website and in September all families will have the opportunity to sign up to the agreement, should they wish to do so.
Míle buíochas daoibh go léir: As we approach the end of the school year, I wish to sincerely thank everyone for their co-operation and support throughout the year. To staff, pupils, parents, the wider community, our Board of Management and our Parents Association, thank you all so much for everything you do for our school. We all wish our sixth class the very best as they get ready to move onto new pastures. They all look so smart in their Class of 2024 hoodies – many thanks to our Parents Association for organising this. In the case of everyone else, I look forward to seeing you all back at the end of August. Enjoy the summer break.