Dear Parents,
Dates for your Diary:
Saturday the 2nd of December: Family Mass @ 7.30pm
Friday the 8th of December: Casual Day
Tuesday the 12th of December: Birr Theatre Show - Infants to 3rd Class
Thursday the 14th of December: School closed
Tuesday the 19th of December: School Show for Grandparents/Active Retirement Group
Wednesday the 20th of December: School Show @ 7.30pm
Friday the 22nd of December: School closes @ 12 noon for Christmas break.
Monday the 8th of January: School re-opens
Family Mass: Please take note that the family mass for December will take place this Saturday the 2nd of December @ 7.30pm in Seir Kieran’s church. All families from the school are invited and are indeed encouraged to attend this mass.
Casual Day: A Casual Day will take place on Friday the 8th of December. Every year we hold a Casual Day to raise funds for an organisation/group which is doing great work. This year the organisation/group we are supporting is Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Cystic Fibrosis Ireland does fantastic work to support those and the families of those who have Cystic Fibrosis. So, on the day of the 8th the children can come to school dressed casually (a Christmas jumper would be nice, if they have one). Any small donation they bring in on the day will be collected and this will then be given to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Children will also attend mass in the church at 10am on the 8th, as this is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Book Fair: We had a very successful Book Fair on the week beginning the 20th of November. In total books to the value of €1113.10 were sold. This means that the school will receive €556.55 in book credits (50% of the sales) to buy books. Mile buíochas to Ms. Birmingham for organising all.
School Closure: Please remember that school will be closed on Thursday the 14th of December as teachers will be attending in-service for the new Maths curriculum. Please also note that school will close at 12noon on Friday the 22nd of December for the Christmas Holidays.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons for children from 1st to 6th class will begin on Thursday the 11th of January and run for 5 weeks. The final lesson will be on Thursday the 8th of February.
Swimming lessons for children in Le Chéile will begin on Wednesday the 10th of January and run for 5 weeks. Further details will follow.
Birr Theatre: The boys and girls from Junior Infants to third class will travel by bus to Birr Theatre & Arts Centre on Tuesday day the 12th of December to see ‘Elfie saves Christmas’. The Junior and Senior infants are to be collected from school at their usual time. Those who haven’t sent in money for the show, please do so as soon as you can, (The Board of Management are paying for the bus).
Christmas Show: Our Christmas Show will take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday the 20th of December. Proceedings will get underway @ 7.30pm. Juniors – 1st class will be performing a play entitled ‘Wriggly Nativity’, while 2nd – 6th class will be performing a play entitled ‘Away with a Manger’. Over the coming days we will be looking into our wardrobe to see what costumes we possess. As always, you are asked to ensure your child is organised with regard to the costume details they are furnished with. You will be given ample time to organise costumes, so please have your children ready with their costumes when requested. We will write to you closer to the time with specific details for the night of the show. On the night of the Christmas Show, we always hold a raffle at the interval. Families have always kindly donated something (chocolates, perfume, biscuits etc) to this raffle and this has enabled us to make up hampers to raffle on the night. If you could send in donations of prizes before Wednesday the 13th of December, it would be much appreciated. We ask you when you are donating prizes, to be mindful that we are trying to create hampers, so a variety of items suitable for Christmas hampers would be appreciated.
On the night of the show, there will be no fixed admission charge. If you wish to make a donation at the door, it is much appreciated.
Clareen Active Retirement Group/Grandparents: Members of the Clareen Active Retirement Group and Grandparents are invited to a showing of the show on Tuesday the 19th of December. This will begin at 11am. I am writing to the Active Retirement Group to notify them of this. Please bring this to the attention of Grandparents who are not part of Clareen Active Retirement Group as they are also welcome on the day.
Incoming Infants for 2024: Children who are due to begin Junior Infants in Seir Kieran’s NS in September 2024, are also invited to attend the showing of our Christmas Show on Tuesday the 19th of December at 11am. If you know of any parent who falls into this category, you might tell them to contact Gerardine in the office and she will furnish them with an enrolment application form. Alternatively, an enrolment application form can be downloaded from the school website by clicking on School Information and then by clicking on the Enrolment tab.
Parents Association and Christmas
As always, our Parents Association have organised for a special guest to visit our school on the last day of this term which is on Friday the 22nd of December. We appreciate them going to such effort.
Board of Management: I wish to sincerely thank all members of our outgoing Board of Management. Your commitment and dedication to our school is much appreciated. Our new Board of Management will begin its term tomorrow the 1st of December. The following is the composition of our new Board
Mr. John Kirwan Chairperson/Patron Nominee
Mr. Jonathan Dunne Principal – Secretary
Ms. Sinead Murphy Teacher Representative
Ms. Michelle Makim Treasurer/Community Rep.
Fr. Michael Reddan Patron Nominee
Ms. Yvonne Coakley Parent Representative
Mr. Colm Makim Parent Representative
Mr Richard Donnelly Community Representative
We are very thankful to all those who have committed to serving our school for the next four years. Your commitment is much appreciated.
Christmas Cards: We ask that pupils don’t bring Christmas Cards into school into friends. There will be lots of Christmas spirit in school in the lead up to Christmas and we will be all sharing warm Christmas wishes amongst one another. Christmas cards only lead to more litter (envelopes etc.) and sometimes unknowingly, someone can be left off someone’s Christmas card list and this can cause hurt.
On behalf of both myself and the staff, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and all the best for 2024. We are very thankful for the support and cooperation we received from you in the past year and we look forward to working with you again in 2024, in the very best interests of your children.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh agus Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Daoibh go léir.
Dates for your Diary:
Saturday the 2nd of December: Family Mass @ 7.30pm
Friday the 8th of December: Casual Day
Tuesday the 12th of December: Birr Theatre Show - Infants to 3rd Class
Thursday the 14th of December: School closed
Tuesday the 19th of December: School Show for Grandparents/Active Retirement Group
Wednesday the 20th of December: School Show @ 7.30pm
Friday the 22nd of December: School closes @ 12 noon for Christmas break.
Monday the 8th of January: School re-opens
Family Mass: Please take note that the family mass for December will take place this Saturday the 2nd of December @ 7.30pm in Seir Kieran’s church. All families from the school are invited and are indeed encouraged to attend this mass.
Casual Day: A Casual Day will take place on Friday the 8th of December. Every year we hold a Casual Day to raise funds for an organisation/group which is doing great work. This year the organisation/group we are supporting is Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Cystic Fibrosis Ireland does fantastic work to support those and the families of those who have Cystic Fibrosis. So, on the day of the 8th the children can come to school dressed casually (a Christmas jumper would be nice, if they have one). Any small donation they bring in on the day will be collected and this will then be given to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Children will also attend mass in the church at 10am on the 8th, as this is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Book Fair: We had a very successful Book Fair on the week beginning the 20th of November. In total books to the value of €1113.10 were sold. This means that the school will receive €556.55 in book credits (50% of the sales) to buy books. Mile buíochas to Ms. Birmingham for organising all.
School Closure: Please remember that school will be closed on Thursday the 14th of December as teachers will be attending in-service for the new Maths curriculum. Please also note that school will close at 12noon on Friday the 22nd of December for the Christmas Holidays.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons for children from 1st to 6th class will begin on Thursday the 11th of January and run for 5 weeks. The final lesson will be on Thursday the 8th of February.
Swimming lessons for children in Le Chéile will begin on Wednesday the 10th of January and run for 5 weeks. Further details will follow.
Birr Theatre: The boys and girls from Junior Infants to third class will travel by bus to Birr Theatre & Arts Centre on Tuesday day the 12th of December to see ‘Elfie saves Christmas’. The Junior and Senior infants are to be collected from school at their usual time. Those who haven’t sent in money for the show, please do so as soon as you can, (The Board of Management are paying for the bus).
Christmas Show: Our Christmas Show will take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday the 20th of December. Proceedings will get underway @ 7.30pm. Juniors – 1st class will be performing a play entitled ‘Wriggly Nativity’, while 2nd – 6th class will be performing a play entitled ‘Away with a Manger’. Over the coming days we will be looking into our wardrobe to see what costumes we possess. As always, you are asked to ensure your child is organised with regard to the costume details they are furnished with. You will be given ample time to organise costumes, so please have your children ready with their costumes when requested. We will write to you closer to the time with specific details for the night of the show. On the night of the Christmas Show, we always hold a raffle at the interval. Families have always kindly donated something (chocolates, perfume, biscuits etc) to this raffle and this has enabled us to make up hampers to raffle on the night. If you could send in donations of prizes before Wednesday the 13th of December, it would be much appreciated. We ask you when you are donating prizes, to be mindful that we are trying to create hampers, so a variety of items suitable for Christmas hampers would be appreciated.
On the night of the show, there will be no fixed admission charge. If you wish to make a donation at the door, it is much appreciated.
Clareen Active Retirement Group/Grandparents: Members of the Clareen Active Retirement Group and Grandparents are invited to a showing of the show on Tuesday the 19th of December. This will begin at 11am. I am writing to the Active Retirement Group to notify them of this. Please bring this to the attention of Grandparents who are not part of Clareen Active Retirement Group as they are also welcome on the day.
Incoming Infants for 2024: Children who are due to begin Junior Infants in Seir Kieran’s NS in September 2024, are also invited to attend the showing of our Christmas Show on Tuesday the 19th of December at 11am. If you know of any parent who falls into this category, you might tell them to contact Gerardine in the office and she will furnish them with an enrolment application form. Alternatively, an enrolment application form can be downloaded from the school website by clicking on School Information and then by clicking on the Enrolment tab.
Parents Association and Christmas
As always, our Parents Association have organised for a special guest to visit our school on the last day of this term which is on Friday the 22nd of December. We appreciate them going to such effort.
Board of Management: I wish to sincerely thank all members of our outgoing Board of Management. Your commitment and dedication to our school is much appreciated. Our new Board of Management will begin its term tomorrow the 1st of December. The following is the composition of our new Board
Mr. John Kirwan Chairperson/Patron Nominee
Mr. Jonathan Dunne Principal – Secretary
Ms. Sinead Murphy Teacher Representative
Ms. Michelle Makim Treasurer/Community Rep.
Fr. Michael Reddan Patron Nominee
Ms. Yvonne Coakley Parent Representative
Mr. Colm Makim Parent Representative
Mr Richard Donnelly Community Representative
We are very thankful to all those who have committed to serving our school for the next four years. Your commitment is much appreciated.
Christmas Cards: We ask that pupils don’t bring Christmas Cards into school into friends. There will be lots of Christmas spirit in school in the lead up to Christmas and we will be all sharing warm Christmas wishes amongst one another. Christmas cards only lead to more litter (envelopes etc.) and sometimes unknowingly, someone can be left off someone’s Christmas card list and this can cause hurt.
On behalf of both myself and the staff, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and all the best for 2024. We are very thankful for the support and cooperation we received from you in the past year and we look forward to working with you again in 2024, in the very best interests of your children.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh agus Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Daoibh go léir.